Monday, September 22, 2008

Some weirdos

Don't understand.. I really don't understand..

She use to be with him..
She say he sux..
She say he is a very lousy guy..
She say he is a "LAN ren"..
She somehow convince us that he really stinks and sux big time..

But now she is crawling back to him.. WTH.

As friends of hers, we are glad that such lousy guy had choosen to leave her, so she can have a better catch in the future.. Thus we kept reminding her not to be so nice to that guy, leave him for good.. Initially, she also agreed.. But now, she went back sticking to him.. But they are not together yet..
Call me bias or whatever, but I really feel he sux.. From the way she tell me how he treated her last time, I almost don't see any nice side of him at all.. I did ask her about his nice side, its just like those simple very very basic, a normal guy will treat any girl.. Nothing special at all.. Nothing..

He is like petty, always think that people black face and don't like him.. Wahahaha, well can't we be born with a black face.. But the don't like him part is so true, cause his ex-gf somehow convince us, and from his action.. Its like action speaks louder then words.. I see how he treated her, and no any guys I know have ever done that.. Just so PETTY can.. So petty..
And now she is telling us not to be so prejudice and bias towards him..
How can man.. You gave us this first impression and we see it by our own eyes.. Plus somemore, he did nothing to change the impression we have of him.. So just too bad la..

Now she choose to go to his side, waiting for this one fine day that he will as for a patch.. But I think its like NEVER.. Even if he does, its not out of pure love he patches with her.. So she is going to wait for him forever? Blindly waiting, and misses all the other chances..
What she says never matches what she does..

I'm just so utterly disappointed with her.. Told her you have to be strong and move on.. She nearly made it.. But I don't know what the hell she is doing.. And that guy also.. It is so darn obvious she cant get over him.. Why does he still like give her slightly little tiny weeney hope..

Anyway, it takes 2 hands to clap.. Just give up on her la.. Not worth it to care so much for this kind of people.. It will just upsad me only.. And makes me feel like an idiot/ jackass..
Well, just give up on her and forget about it.. Cause of him, she aeroplane don't know how many times and not a single apologies..
(*PS: I'm a petty girl too.. loL.. Mr Bee know best)

She don't contact me, I will not contact her.. Thats it..

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