Monday, January 21, 2008

What ending is this

Today aniticpatingly went home for the last episode og "Huang Jin Lu".. A channel 8 drama..

TMD, the ending is like WTH..
Kaijie kana kill by a robber and Jin Long sucide.. There's nothing about Kaida after he cut his wrist.. According to the mediacorp webby, Lin Fei will die shielding Jin Long from a bullet Kai Jie fire, and she request no to die in Kai Jie arms.. Thus Jin Long carry her on his back until her last breath..
And Jin Long gave up his chance of killing Kai Jie (this part did show), and surrender himself to the police.. Flip, ending totally different.. No say die de die, say die de no die.. Then webby also say Xiao Gu bring the metally recovering Kaida and open another shop, but ending did not mention anything about Kaida.. Flip~

Then why is there a webby for the show when everything in it write is like different from the actualy thing?? According to my dad " the actual purpose is to lure us to watch the show " Hahahaha.. Clever move.. They did it..

aRghx.. Why like this...



Win liao..


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